Pet Mundo is the go-to resource and community for PAWRENTS in the Philippines.


By providing events and workshops, digital content, and brand collaborations, Pet Mundo’s goal is to help every HOOMAN be the best they can be for their pets while focusing on four main advocacies: provide platforms for hoomanprenerus, promote a healthy and supportive community, mindful pet parenting and support local shelters and organizations.

Our Story

In 2022, Pet Mundo PH was founded by furmom Iña Raymundo Banzon. Together with the CEO and founder of Mommy Mundo, Janice Villanueva, furmom to two cats: Ren and Mika . They created Pet Mundo PH which is now a sister brand of Mommy Mundo.

Iña has an American Bully named Zuko who ultimately gave her the reason to create Pet Mundo. Just like most pet parents, Iña is very passionate about learning and discovering everything about “pet parenthood” and felt the need to open a platform for a growing community.

Our Founder

Meet Iña, the driving force behind Pet Mundo. With an unwavering determination to make a positive impact, Iña's journey led to the creation of Pet Mundo—a testament to her relentless pursuit of what she believes is for the greater good.

Iña's heart is a compass that unfailingly points towards the well-being of others. She approaches every endeavor with an unshakable conviction, never hesitating to go the extra mile for the convenience and benefit of those she cares about, especially the ones she loves.

One of Iña's remarkable qualities is her natural inclination to mentor and guide. She takes people under her wing, often without realizing the profound impact she has on their lives. It's no surprise that someone like her would embark on a mission like Pet Mundo.

Iña has always been a pet lover since she was a kid.

From birds, rabbits and even goats in their farm. When she was ten years old, she got her first dog as a birthday present, an American Cocker Spaniel named Earl who was a rescue. Since then she became a dog-lover and soon they had ten family dogs.

In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, Iña and her husband Kevin decided to get a dog. This was a big decision they had to make but it was the best one they ever made. Zuko, an American Bully, truly helped the couple to get through the pandemic together. It was very challenging in the beginning because the last time Iña took care of a puppy was 20 years ago. It was like a new experience again. Research, research and research was all the couple did to raise Zuko.

to start and gather a community to exchange information, knowledge and experiences to allow fellow pet parents to support and encourage each other.

At the core of Pet Mundo is Iña's vision—fostering the growth of pet-directed businesses and organizations to nurture the relationships between pet parents and their beloved fur babies.

She envisions a thriving community where these bonds flourish, where businesses dedicated to pets prosper, and where the greater good is a shared commitment.

Iña was very much inspired…